
The once peaceful world now lies under the cruel grip of the demonic Krell. Humanity is trapped in a never-ending battle, desperately trying to push back against their powerful oppressors. The skies are cloaked in darkness, the ground scorched and barren from constant warfare. Grim determination and fear hang heavy in the air as humanity fights for survival against their formidable enemies. The faint cries of the wounded and dying echo through the desolate landscape, a constant reminder of the high stakes at hand. The world has become a desolate wasteland, ruled by merciless beings who show no mercy to their human prey.
          	Catch the latest in The Dawn of Knight


Hi there, 
          Apologies for invading your page with this message. I would just like you invite you to join Cubby for Creators discord channel. 
          You can promote your story and meet other writers like yourself
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@jefrbs i really hope you enjoy it:)


The once peaceful world now lies under the cruel grip of the demonic Krell. Humanity is trapped in a never-ending battle, desperately trying to push back against their powerful oppressors. The skies are cloaked in darkness, the ground scorched and barren from constant warfare. Grim determination and fear hang heavy in the air as humanity fights for survival against their formidable enemies. The faint cries of the wounded and dying echo through the desolate landscape, a constant reminder of the high stakes at hand. The world has become a desolate wasteland, ruled by merciless beings who show no mercy to their human prey.
          Catch the latest in The Dawn of Knight