

@jeguluspotters never mind I read it anyway!


@jeguluspotters can’t read rn because I have school in the morning BUT I LOOK FORWARD TO IT AFTER CANNOT WAIT I’m sure it’ll be fantastic as usual



@jeguluspotters never mind I read it anyway!


@jeguluspotters can’t read rn because I have school in the morning BUT I LOOK FORWARD TO IT AFTER CANNOT WAIT I’m sure it’ll be fantastic as usual


there is a rockstar update coming soon, so far it’s over 1500 words. these things take time, thank you for those you of who have been so patient and kind about it, i’m a busy woman outside of wattpad and i simply can’t sit and type all day everyday. 


@jeguluspotters Thank you for your hard work! 


please let me know your thoughts on my new one shot, it’s super appreciated and it’s extremely helpful! it also makes me feel very motivated to write, if you know me you know that ghost readers are the bane of my existence!  :)


@jeguluspotters should totally be in bed but whatever anYWAY 
            I’ve said this so many times but you’re writing is absolutely amazing, the amount of emotion I go through in half an hour while reading a one shot is incredible. You are literally the only other reason I come back to Wattpad apart from talking to friends, and it’s always an amazing surprise to see that you’ve updated Rockstar. 
            I’m sorry about your ghost readers, i used to write for a little bit so I know what that’s like, I try to comment as much as I can to make up for it. 
            Have absolutely no criticism, you’re one shot was amazing as always :)


@jeguluspotters It was beautifully written ❤️

          new one shot based on taylor swift’s ‘imgonnagetyouback’ !!!
          i am soooo excited to share this one! it’s over 15000 words long, so i hope that everyone enjoys!
          so sorry for my absence, life has been pretty hectic. let me know what you think! thank you all for your patience ❤️


@jeguluspotters No worries at all! Thank you for your hard work! 


all i can say is THANK GOD wattpad took away the PM feature because my messages always consisted of people privately demanding that i owe them updates. now it’s just shameful that i’m getting comments to that level. 
          please, please, please, some of you need to realise that i am a person too and i don’t just exist on wattpad. 
          sorry for the rant, but considering i’ve been gone for a few months and i come back with an update and am just met with these sort of comments, it’s hard and my writing just feels so meaningless. 


@jeguluspotters I'm so sorry people are so entitled! I meant to comment sooner, but where I'm studying right now has a different time-zone, so I missed when it was uploaded. Please know that I love all of your stories, and thank you for all of the hard work you put into them.


@jeguluspotters i dont know if this helps or not, but something i do is update my ao3 as i go, and leave wattpad on the backburner. not only is ao3 a politer community that way, but whatever story you were/are writing can be fleshed out and (hopefully) avoid people demanding updates as often. it can also help with creating and sticking to a strict schedule (ie: updates daily, weekly, monthly ect) so that your persistent readers are sated and you have the time to start a new project or two. i really hope that, should you choose to use it, this advice serves you well. your writing is just as amazing as you are, and if you end up moving to ao3 entirely (which i have seen a lot more) than i will gladly follow you there as well


*updates rockstar less than an hour ago*
          chapter ends up with very little feedback comments and instead i open up wattpad to see comments telling me to update. 
          i can’t. 
          i’m so exhausted from the begging and demanding. yes, i know i’ve been MIA and have not been updating, but maybe that’s because i’m tired of putting effort in and just receiving demands. 
          yes, i haven’t updated in awhile. no that doesn’t mean i’ll update again within fifty minutes. 
          i’m so tired. 



            If you couldn't update it's totally fine, you also have things you need to do and I'm not going to force you to do things you don't want to, write when you want and upload when you want.


in the wake of liam payne’s passing, let us all remember that a seven year old boy has been left without a father, a mother and a father have been left without a son, two women have been left without a brother, and that maya henry has been left without justice. 
          truly, liam’s passing is tragic, untimely, and came at an incredibly young age. 
          however, now is not the time to point fingers at maya henry, a young woman who liam abused to an extreme abuse and horrendous treatment. only recently, it was revealed that liam threatened her with ending his life if she ever spoke of his abuse towards her. 
          keep maya henry in your hearts more than anything. she has been through enough already, i don’t want to see any directioners in her comment sections blaming her for the death of liam. his death was not her fault. 


CGS on 1k followers so proud on being your one thousandth 


@jeguluspotters np! you rlly deserve it your books are so good 


oh my god this is how i found out!! thank you so much! x