
done with the stupid exams, yippee!


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idk if i wanna continue with anything anymore i had so much ideas about my oc bg, a new applyfic, my previous applyfic- utopia, idk what to do with my life anymore im really done with all and everything, if u guys say then i'll continue else ig i'll leave like actually cuz my mental state is not well its fucked up rn.


@-zzphyr im just stressed with all my exams thats all honestly, im doing really bad and the stress is making my head go aloof. but, ill still continue! i dont wanna leave yet, after the exams i'll start revamping my account and i'll start to work in all of the stuff actually, i have great plans for utopia and my ob bg! and i'll also post another applyfic which i have good ideas for<3


i would love to continue utopia with you but if you'd rather want to take your time to get into a better headspace, I'll support you with whatever you decide!! ♡