
Thank you so, so much for voting on my story. It means the world to me and if I knew more than high school basic level Spanish, I would read your book in return. But I don't and I'd probably just struggle through it, so I'm going to try to recommend it to some Spanish - speaking friends that I have.


@ eleutheromanial  It's okay I'm laughing like so hard.


I'm so so sorry. This is an indicator of how terrible I am at Spanish that I can't even tell it's not Spanish. I'm cringing at myself. And I'll check out that account later. I need to get off now, but I really do want to read something by you. 
            And thanks.


@ eleutheromanial  Hi! Don't worry about that. This is actually portuguese, not spanish but if you really want to read something that I wrote, I have another account where I write in English. The username is SBLACKNWHITES ( if you really want to). 
            And I voted because I liked your story. 