
so Garber just announced a novella set in the Caraval universe!
          	as you all know I’m not the fondest of Tella (I don’t hate her I just prefer Scarlett), and the synopsis in Stephanie’s post is disappointing me.
          	I was really hoping for a prequel of some sort, or maybe even a few more of Julian’s Caraval POVS. I don’t want to lose hope yet, but I really want to read about Scarlett, and I feel like (as Garber did in Finale) scarlian is going to be heavily overshadowed by tellalegend. I’d be so so happy if Scarlett and Tella have equal parts in the novella but I have a feeling that isn’t going to happen.
          	Thanks for reading my quick rant <33


@jennacanread Oh wow, there's going to be a novella!?! That's amazing!!! And I actually feel the same way, I REALLY hope to see more scarlian!!!


so Garber just announced a novella set in the Caraval universe!
          as you all know I’m not the fondest of Tella (I don’t hate her I just prefer Scarlett), and the synopsis in Stephanie’s post is disappointing me.
          I was really hoping for a prequel of some sort, or maybe even a few more of Julian’s Caraval POVS. I don’t want to lose hope yet, but I really want to read about Scarlett, and I feel like (as Garber did in Finale) scarlian is going to be heavily overshadowed by tellalegend. I’d be so so happy if Scarlett and Tella have equal parts in the novella but I have a feeling that isn’t going to happen.
          Thanks for reading my quick rant <33


@jennacanread Oh wow, there's going to be a novella!?! That's amazing!!! And I actually feel the same way, I REALLY hope to see more scarlian!!!


Opinions on Jacks x Casper and Jovan x Aiko?? 
          I know the first one is super random but ey I don't care and am obsessed anywayyy-


            Yeah i think i invented JaSper lol. I also love PrinceFox, but hey--multishipper you know?
            They really are perfect together!! ❤❤
            (sorry for the LATE reply, idk if you know or not but when you reply to peoples messages on your mb it doesnt notify them unless you tag them lol) 


Jacks X Casper - Ive never heard of that ship before! I am a hard core princefox shipper though, but that ship is pretty creative. I think it would be funny dynamic with a fun character like Casper who loves to have fun and a serious/deadly character like Jacks.
            Jovan x Aiko - i love them! Ive actually included little Easter eggs of them being a couple in some of my one shots :) I kinda consider them like a sun and moon trope, and think they’re perfect together


Hello! Just wanted to ask if you’re still updating on this one shot collection because you haven’t written in a while. No pressure ofc and take your time, I literally love your stories sm and hope you will still be updating :) <33


Of course take your time, I can’t wait for your next update <3


hi! I plan on writing a few more updates, but I’ve just been lacking motivation lately. thanks for reading! <3