
New Chapter of A Delicious Relationship


For my fans that do not know of the contest I put up this a notice so you do know.
          Things to do: 
          1. Advertise my story SHH.....IM IN HIDING
          2. Vote
          3. Fan
          4. Like
          Prize= A VERY %u2022_%u2022 fast upload and a dedication ^_^ to the person that did the most.
          Good luck and Thank You all 


For any of my fans who don't know about a recent contest I put up this is a notice.
          Anyone who would be kind enough to advertise my story, vote, like, or fan. 
          After you have done either of those options then tell by commenting on a chapter in SHH.....IM IN HIDING. Or private message me if you'd like
          Prize: A very fast upload and a chapter dedication to the person that did the most.
          Good luck and thanks :)