God, writer's block is the worst.

I am re-writing all of my book. I will re-publish them again after I am done with the first three chapters. Wish me luck! Right now I only done writing the main events in my HP fanfic. White Rabbit will also return with a much better plot!! P/s : my writing style had changes

I have quite a problem with my account.

@lighow it kept asking me to re-login earlier. It's fine now. Mainly my fault lmao

Just wanna ask, I am not the only one who is having a problem with wattpad right? I couldn't load the comment section, not even the homepage but I could with the notification. Nana told me she's having the same problem, just wanna know with the others.

Check out my new story! Vita!

@GeezWhysItAlwaysMe_ Hello!!

(◕ᴗ◕✿) Hey there! (Sounds like what's status but o guess that's best I could come up with) It was a nice chance incounter there!

I can't believe someone just asked me "Do you ship Snily" just because I say that bully is unacceptable even though Snape called Lily (which I hope everyone do realized that he called her that, which he would never, unintentionally due to anger) or any muggle-borns "Mudblood". Like is it just me? Just because he is bad (to most people. To me he is a a neutral character) it makes James and the Marauders bullying him acceptable? I just commented on someone who said "so that's make bullying acceptable" on James's dialogue which he reasoned why he bullied Snape. And then someone suddenly said to me "I am fighting the urge to write a paragraph to you". And I was actually confused as hell. Like what did I do? I just said bullying is still unacceptable! Am I wrong??

Thank you to @nana-mania for the theme!! I love it sis!!

@msjennie_chan As expected from my big sis. She is talented and so do you,Jennie-san (≡^∇^≡)