
Happy Easter everyone!! (If you celebrate it). Stay safe!!


Okay so I have two things to announce. First, thank you so much for over 100 reads on my book 'Lost', I can't tell you how grateful I am. 
          Two, I just wanted you let everyone know chapter 3 is in the making. I am not that far along because I want it be a longer chapter so it will be ready sometime during next week. 
          Have a great day/night!!


Hello everyone, 
          I just checked wattpad and my story 'Luna's Sister' just hit 300 views. So I'm not writing it anymore, or at least for now and I can't believe people are still reading it. Personally I hate that book looking back on it. Anyway if you haven't checked out my new book 'Lost' that is in my works. And hope you guys are enjoying your day or night. 
          Love you guys! ❤️
          Also thank you so much for almost 100 reads in my new story I am very grateful for everyone who read that book. Chapter 3 is about halfway done. Okay final bye.