
Hi everyone Chapter 5 of "Broken" is now available. Don't forget to comment and vote, hope you all enjoy it.
          	 Happy Eid Mubarak to all my Muslim friends. 
          	 Stay safe ❤️❤️


 Hi everyone, I'm sorry for not uploading any chapter during the last 2 years. It was a tough and trying phase for me, thankfully that phase has ended. 
           I want to say a special thank you to my followers for your support , like I said in the first chapter I had this story in my mind for about 5 years before publishing on Wattpad. Now adding the last 2 years will make it a total of 7 years, yeah I suck at completing projects. An habit I have to deal with soon hopefully starting with this work. 
            So I will be uploading every Monday and Friday, go easy on me guys I'm still learning. If it's possible I will upload more on any day but be rest assured that every Monday and Friday I will always upload a new chapter. 
            Please don't forget to vote, comment on each chapter, and also share with your friends. 
            Thanks Once again ❤️❤️