
          	I want to make it clear that I’m writing for my genuine readers the ones who appreciate my work and judge it fairly after reading it completely.
          	On another note, I plan to finish my second book after 50 or 51 chapters. I'm really busy right now, but next month, I might get around 11 days off, so I’ll use that time to complete the story. I already have everything scripted, so just wait for it! :)
          	And yes, I did block that person because I didn’t know how else to handle it. It’s my first time dealing with such negativity, and honestly, I couldn't take it. How can someone judge an entire book just by reading the first chapter?  Did I do something wrong?
          	Anyway, I have to get back to studying and completing my works.
          	Take care, my sweethearts . I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy. : )


Hey there..
          Sorry for posting here without permission.. 
          I'm a new author.. It my first fantasy Jungkook gf in a historical genre.. can you please look at it.. and give me review, so that I can decide whether to stop or continue the story.... I don't know how good I'm in writing. 


omoooo yourr jk book got 100k pluss veiwww wahhhh congooo friend i like ur work keep going fighting


            I'm fine :)
            .... same lifestyle, boring a.f~
            How about your's, how is going your studies?


          I want to make it clear that I’m writing for my genuine readers the ones who appreciate my work and judge it fairly after reading it completely.
          On another note, I plan to finish my second book after 50 or 51 chapters. I'm really busy right now, but next month, I might get around 11 days off, so I’ll use that time to complete the story. I already have everything scripted, so just wait for it! :)
          And yes, I did block that person because I didn’t know how else to handle it. It’s my first time dealing with such negativity, and honestly, I couldn't take it. How can someone judge an entire book just by reading the first chapter?  Did I do something wrong?
          Anyway, I have to get back to studying and completing my works.
          Take care, my sweethearts . I hope you're all doing well and staying healthy. : )


Hi my friends! 
          I hope you're all doing well! As I mentioned before, I've been busy with my studies, my lecture hours run from morning to evening, restless hours....lectures in the morning and clinical rounds at the hospital in the afternoon. But don’t worry, I’m managing everything.
          Today, I wanted to share something that happened recently. I received a comment on the first chapter of Mafia’s Wife from someone who didn’t even finish reading it, yet they called it bad and many. The same chapter was appreciated by many of my readers, but this person still left hurtful remarks. It was the first time I experienced something like this on Wattpad, and I won’t lie it hurt. So, I decided to delete their comment and block them from my account.
          You all know that I write because I want my readers to enjoy my work. My only intention is to give people an escape from the harsh realities of life, to let their hearts and souls feel something whether it’s happiness, excitement, or emotions that make them feel alive. This is just a hobby for me, and I put my effort into it despite my busy study and work schedule. But when someone treats my work as a competition and talks nonsense just to hurt me and my book, it does get frustrating.
          ...... continue!