Hello everyone!
Well, I am thinking of taking down all my Eddsworld books because I just think they're really cringey and the stories don't even make sense.
I really appreciate all the votes and views. I never expected anyone to like them but just thank you for all of the views and votes. Honestly, I started writing books just for fun and I really had no practice of grammar or English, Yup, English isn't my first language. Even so, I don't really like them and I just feel embarrassed by them. But I still have them because I wanted them as a memory of Eddsworld.
I was 11 years old when I wrote them. Anyways, you decide, what should I do? Keep or take down?
(Only the Tord×Reader better version doesn't make me cringe because it had okay-ish grammar and story. My grammar was okay-ish but my friend's grammar was good and I really wanna thank her for collaborating with me and just I love her writings)