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tbh idc about u ur a side character but my main chacretrs gone so whtm i sposed to do omfg ;( this site hcnaged my life fr mde me the person i am tday. thought id b on this 4ever but things always chnage no matter how u feelin in the moment. tbhhhh... tbh... i love me now that im beijng me fr. i love me so much and i nver thought i woul dbut i have a wholeass boyfriend who loves me n s my angel boy n sure tings tht i thought would wrk out then aint work out now and maybeee just maybe in the future ill look bck on2 this 12am rant and think hah u fuken dumasss ur so yougn know nothin n ur talkin big asif uve lived ur whole life - na i know im young fr now and i have sm more to expeirence n handle in my life but for now i think i look back on me from the past and think that id be happy w the person ive becoe. theres a lot of work to be done ofcourse - im far from perfect but im somewhat happy w happy people around me and i liek that. theo u abusive little fuck u make me sccared to spam my literal reallife bf now cuz i think back to u callign me annoying for it but err u chnaged me n my life one of the biggestt factors fs in my change it was all u u like opened up a wholeee new wurld for me idk how but yeh i was in love wit u and believed i always wud be but sike ands u proly wrent even u but yh idrc the personality n all summer '18 was a mess cuz of u but oh well -- n tha the only person relevant n worht mentioning on this app imo that rly contrtbuted to my life n how i see things n the type of things i like dude theo got me 100% into the tye of music i listen to today which is so crazy n yeh nn um i think writing this almost made my pc crash n idek why im doing this its at 1700 characters holy shit but um bye love u watyty 2017-2018 my entire life fs