
Helllo! ^^ Im so sorry for not posting anything.. I cant usually hold on very long to a story but... I got the best story Idea ever! Currently in the Makings is a book with the name: Jealousy forbidden. Its going to be a romance novel and I am already so excited to release it!


im very excited too : D


Helllo! ^^ Im so sorry for not posting anything.. I cant usually hold on very long to a story but... I got the best story Idea ever! Currently in the Makings is a book with the name: Jealousy forbidden. Its going to be a romance novel and I am already so excited to release it!


im very excited too : D


Heyyy! ^^ Also ich bin seit ein paar Wochen am Überlegen welche Geschichte ich nun weiter machen will und deswegen Frage ich euch welche Story weiter gehen soll. 
          Heyyy! So since a few weeks I have been thinking about what story I should continue and so I guess I should ask you guys, since you basically want to read the stories! Just pick anyone you liked (only one) and tell me which one it is.


Ok guys, there is some thing I have been working on, that will take me some time to do. I have been working on it for over a month now and its going to be a great story ^^ Stay tuned for the next killing game in Danganronpa - Winter Cabin Death


Hey! Also wie ihr sieht, habe ich mein Profil geändert und ich möchte auch jetzt von neu anfangen. Ich habe eine richtig gute Story im Werk! Ich gebe euch drei Tipps: Dimensionen, Jugendliche und Anime. 
          Hey! So as you can see I started a new profile. I currently have a good story in work. I will give you all 3 Tipps: Dimensions, Teenagers and Anime.


Heeey! Also meine Geschichte wird jetzt noch viel weitergehen. Wenns euch gefällt dann macht es mal als favourite! 
          Heyyy! So my story will keep going on now. If you like it, then go ahead and make it as a favourite


Hii! Sorry für das nicht uploaden, die Geschichte die ich geschrieben habe war nur als purer Witz. Aber jetzt werde ich eine  neue anfangen. Wenn ihr Escape the Night kennt, dann lest es mal. 
          Hey! So this is going to be my first english Story. I am super excited to write it and I hope you guys will like it too. It is about Escape the Night and all of my Instagram Followers will deceide who dies in the Challenges and who dosent.