
Another chapter is here! ❤️


I have a new story! :) Chapter one has been posted. ❤️


@1974AN oh no! That's weird. This app is so glitchy. Is the chapter at least coming up for you if you click into the story?


@jerimariee for some reason this message poped out but even though I saved book into reading list I didnt get notice of new chapter other then this message from you


HEY. ✨️ The last chapter of Promises Promises has been posted! I hope you enjoy it! ❤️


@KristyJohnson400 that feels like major win for me! :) ♡


Left me wanting more of them! 


I promise, another chapter of Promises is on the way. ❤️ In the meantime, I want to thank everyone for hanging in there. I think this is the most time I've ever put between chapters, and I feel awful about that. :( It's just been crazy here. Anyways, if you're a new follower from Playing the Game on my joint account, HEY! Welcome. ♡ I'm so happy you're here. Playing the Game recently hit 300k and we're honestly so speechless. It means so much that so many people love Gray and Mia's story. Kinda makes me wanna put Danny and Vera back up, so you guys can read the beginning. ✨️ Maybe. I'll see haha. But thank you, again, for being here. ❤️


@TaniaWilliams8 hi! Promises Promises is ongoing here on this profile. :) By the coach's daughter, do you mean Playing the Game or maybe Please Remember Me? There isn't a coach's daughter trope by me or on my joint account, but Mia is the cop's daughter from Walk With Me. Could that be what you're looking for? Otherwise, the football story with Grayson's dad is called Please Remember Me and that story is currently available on Inkitt. Hope that helps!


@jerimariee where do I find promises and the coache's daughter?


I’m reading Walk With Me, and loving it.  It references other books which go into other character’s stories.  But I can’t find these books.  I’ve looked on here and online in general.   Please help.   I’d love to read more about them.  


@tdierolf oh yay!!! My username over there is authorjerimarie. You'll want to start with Please Remember Me :)


Thank you so much.  I just downloaded the Inkitt app and I’ve been thinking about getting Kindle Unlimited.  This will help push me towards that.  


@tdierolf Oh, hii!! ❤️ So, most of those stories have been removed for publishing or moved to Inkitt. The original two books (by me) are published and available on Kindle Unlimited, if you have it. Then the series that came after that (also by me) is now on Inkitt. Additionally, the story that may have been referenced about Amber's brother (written by @areal_16) is currently being reposted here on Wattpad! It's called All of Me. I hope that helps! I'm sorry for the trouble haha. But I so appreciate you reaching out and asking about them! If you need book names and Inkitt handles, let me know! 