Wow, it's been a minute! I am currently working on the next chapter, should be out within the next few days. I am so sorry for taking so long to update but my life was so incredibly stressful up until about a few days ago, and the break was definitely needed for my mental health. It's all passed now, I'm doing good and feeling better, so I'm going to try (key word: try) to update around weekly-ish. Because of the time it's set in, of course I will continue to include Jesy, and maybe even write about her leaving, who knows. I am very proud of her, by the way, and love her to pieces. But yeah, that's the current situation, I promise I'll give you guys more content soon!
OH AND ONE MORE IMPORTANT THING! I started an Instagram fanpage for the girls called @jerriemelodies and would love to get it off the ground! Expect lots of different kinds of content, should be a page of just positive vibes. I know I have a bunch of readers here (or at least I hope I do), and I'd appreciate even a small few of y'all could drop a few likes, a follow here and there, the whole shebang.
Thanks, y'all!
— D