@Alphacross_Viper I know right!
I literally feel like killing my teachers and this board exams workers. I mean like seriously what do they think of themselves!?!?
@Alphacross_Viper I know they are literally killing me and teachers are chewing me alive. I swear it's like I want to beat the crap out of the people who want us to make this stupid assignments and tests.
Heya! I saw your message in my book and I really appreciate that you are reading my book. I am extremely sorry that I wasn't able to update but I promise I would by next week or before. It would a pleasure for me if you be a dear and vote for the chapters you like. Tysm anyways~
@MissCuddleKitties I will surely vote for the chapters and your welcome and I understand that you might had some problems for not updating so it's ok, don't worry