
Would you guys he interested in a Modern bodyguard kylux AU? Kylo would play the role of the bodyguard and Hux would play the other role (which I havnt figured out yet so please suggest). If this sounds interesting please comment so I'm aware :) 


@jerry_theplant This sounds really good, I love this particular type of au. I am writing one with a kind of similar dynamic rn, and i would absolutely love to see what you come up with. Sorry I haven't been online much lately, so I missed some of ur announcements lol. 
          	  I think there are a lot of different directions you could go with for hux in this. He could be a business man with something dangerous going on in his life. He could be a celebrity. He could be connected to someone that needs a bodyguard and kylo just kind of ends up with him when the plot locking in incident occurs. He could be a movie director that received threats because of the content of his films (gay??? Well that one idea might be too dark for your taste) or he has a rival that dislikes him. There are all kinds of things you could do. Maybe hux isn't originally from America (or whatever country the story is set in) and he has to have a bodyguard to protect him from his disappointed father.
          	  Idk but I would LOVE to read this story of yours, and I'm sure whatever you come up with will be fabulous. :)))


Would you guys he interested in a Modern bodyguard kylux AU? Kylo would play the role of the bodyguard and Hux would play the other role (which I havnt figured out yet so please suggest). If this sounds interesting please comment so I'm aware :) 


@jerry_theplant This sounds really good, I love this particular type of au. I am writing one with a kind of similar dynamic rn, and i would absolutely love to see what you come up with. Sorry I haven't been online much lately, so I missed some of ur announcements lol. 
            I think there are a lot of different directions you could go with for hux in this. He could be a business man with something dangerous going on in his life. He could be a celebrity. He could be connected to someone that needs a bodyguard and kylo just kind of ends up with him when the plot locking in incident occurs. He could be a movie director that received threats because of the content of his films (gay??? Well that one idea might be too dark for your taste) or he has a rival that dislikes him. There are all kinds of things you could do. Maybe hux isn't originally from America (or whatever country the story is set in) and he has to have a bodyguard to protect him from his disappointed father.
            Idk but I would LOVE to read this story of yours, and I'm sure whatever you come up with will be fabulous. :)))


Hiya everyone! I'm back from taking a writing break and I'm feeling inspired to write something new. Of course, I'm feeling something kylux related but Stranger Things is back on the brain for me. If you have any suggestions or pairings you'd like to see, I'd love to hear it :) 


Thanks for adding my story to your reading list! As always, love you jerrry, and look forward to whenever I can see more of your writing, because you are the most awesome ever.


That makes me so happy!!! I did have a good day. And belive me, the ending on 'there is time for you and me' was worth the wait.
            I'm glad you got through those finals! You're honestly one of my favorite kylux authors still, and I've read over a million words worth of kylux by now. You're a lot of fun. <3<3<3<3


@Raithwithwings57 Thank you, they were more final ones for high school so it was a huge milestone that I needed to focus on; Hence why I was so appreciative of your understanding during that period. I had such a strong desire to write but no actual energy to do so.
            <3<3<3 same applies for me! When writing the final, all I could think about was your reaction along with some other fans who have stuck around for the entirety of the story. Your feedback and cheeky comments make me so happy to write and I'd honestly have a hell of less fun writing without you. 
            Still, I hope you have an amazing day! <3


@jerry_theplant Awwww thx. You're so sweet. You really deserve a break after all those exams and whatnot. Enjoy it and rest up!!! I'll be excited to read whatever you write when you're finished though!!!
            <3<3<3<3 Lol I'm always thinking of you when I'm writing Kylux (I have in fact written several incomplete stories of Kylux that do not deserve to see the light of day, but I digress.)
            Good day to you!!!


Excited to see more from you! <3<3<3<3<3<3


(note, for some reason whenever you reply to my messages on your profile it doesn't notifiy me, and so I never know if you say something unless I go check on it. Lmao, that's the reason why I reply like a dying snail dragged through salt)


            All hail the return of my favorite Jerry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


@Raithwithwings57 I'm writing a one-shot as we speak! (My exams are almost over, yay!) Please hang in there, I will be updating more frequently soon :') <3


Hello! I was wondering if you had any social site I could support your work on, since I’d really love to make fanart of your fics, but I don’t have a way to be able to show you if I do so!!






@AdianysLopez Hiii! Omg I'm so amazed that you'd want to make fanart so I'd love to see it! I have an Instagram account (jerry._.theplant) which I do plan to post stuff related to my work or things like it so I'd love if you'd send it to me there :D