
27 now


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Yo if this is the right jerz I love u so much I’ve been going through so much shit I love u I don’t have my tv but I miss hearing ur voice bby girl I know this is awkward typing to u here but I’m grounded I’ve been in like a juvi thing for supposive gang related violence but I love u and we will talk again on Fortnite like we always did I miss the shit outa u and I can’t wait till we actually spend time together I just can’t tell u enough how much I love u and all the shit I’ve done u don’t deserve cuz ur the best girl a nigga could ever have I miss u so much and I love u so much I really ur hope ur not mad at me even though I do deserve it cuz I left like that all unexpected and shit but we’ll get back to talking eventually I hope everything is going okay at ur place and hope school is good cuz if it ain’t I’ll come up there and will a niggas ass I love u bye bye.


Said that her dad is abusive
          Apparently he likes to beat on her mama
          I got so angry inside
          I wanted to tell her to give me his number
          But what you gon' do with it right?
          You gon' hit him up then he'll start hitting her harder
          That's real


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This life would kill me If I didn't have you
          I couldn't live without you baby
          I wouldn't want to
          If you didn't love me so much
          I'd never make it through
          'Cause this life would kill me
          This life would kill me if I didn't have you