I've never quite understood why people like to put other people down. They don't gain anything, they don't learn something. They simply do it because they can. They purposely make the world a worse place, just because they can. Of course, being a bad person is easier than being nice, but sometimes people go beyond that. They have to put extra effort into putting a person down. And I just don't get why people would do that. If you are going to put extra effort into something, let it be useful. Perhaps schoolwork, or relationships, or giving out a compliment a day to a stranger. Whatever it is, it should be worthwhile, and putting someone down isn't. Maybe some people think it makes them look cool. Maybe they think that if that person feels a fraction of what they do, that they will feel better. No matter the reason, this is wrong. And maybe me writing this will do nothing. And maybe it will do something. I have no idea. But I can hope that it could help someone, somewhere, who just wants to get a smile on their face. My tip for that person, search up videos of cats and cucumbers. Funnest thing ever. But, back to reality, my hope is, that I can help one person. Because if I can help even just one person, I will be happy, because that is one happier person in the world. Remember, if you can't find a nice person, be a nice person. :)