
@hurtluke awez! Noo, dont be sad, otay?! feel free to DM me whenever you need! l'll respond asap


Sooo its my birthday

New part of Little Esme ddlg one shots is posted guys!!! ENJOY ZE SMUTTYNESS!!!!!! love yall, bhai my binki-babykins!

My wattpad is not notifying me of anything going on here, no messages when all of my notifications are on. I don't get it, but its pissing me off.

However on a much happier note, WE HIT 100 FOLLOWERS!!!

Today someone told me that i should take other writers material and use it. Not even make it my own, to just use it. That IS plagiarism and you CAN be legally fined and or sued for it. Why someone would try to tell me to do that when they are obviously uneducated, i don't know but yeah. Check your own information before you try to tell others what to do.

@jessienene11 Thank you so so much! I appreciate it a lot and also, that is amazing you have been writing for so long, ive been in love with writing since kindergarden. It has always my most favorite subject!

@jessienene11 You are absolutely right, I mean you can always quote them in your work, that is not an issue, but the idiot didn't know what they were talking about. I do have an actual editor and have been published already and bout to be again. The book I'm in is on Amazon. I've been writing since I was in junior high. I think you did great! I like the "Little Emse Shot" you wrote. It was really cute!

I don't know where to start you guys...it means so much that you follow me and vote and such and have gotten me so many reads..I'm beyond thankful for that. I'm going to be so much slower with my ddlg story updates now because I'm busy with school and activities and also, its harder for me to write them and get ideas because i don't have a daddy anymore...but yeah.. thanks guys. Really.

Silently laughing at the fact that i have 69 followers.