
I’ve been feeling down recently and overwhelmed I’ve struggled to write for so long it’s really upsetting. 


I know it’s taking me forever to update but I give my all into taking care of my sweet baby boy and hope everyone continues with their support and understanding. 


@jessmb94 you're not alone momma. Same here 


@jessmb94 CONGRATS!!!! Family always comes first in my book!! 


Hey readers!
          I just want to apologize for not updating here lately. Having the things that come with being pregnant (mentally and physically) is absolutely wearing me down. I’m 32 weeks today and honestly it’s hard for me to do much of anything. There are so many challenges now that I never thought would be, such as just getting out of bed by myself. I have to get my man to help me and when he’s not around it is a struggle! 
          Anyways...... I promise I will not give up on my writing or my books but they will be a huge gap with updates. Sorry for any hurt feelings but I gotta do what’s best for me and my baby at this point. 


@jessmb94  I understand dear. Your health and the little one is more important. Take care of yourselves. 