
no chapter today guys but it’s being worked on i promise ❤️


Hey girlie!! I came across one of your books, Mr..Sexy Old Man. I have to say it has completely gripped my attention! Can't wait for more and see what's in store for these characters! Hope you are doing well with all this craziness xoxo 


@jessys2903 I completely understand girlie! Just take your time and get to it when you can. School does take up a lot of time and brain power. No worries, I will be here waiting for it 


thank you! i am great, obviously i haven’t updated any of my stories in like 17638363 years, but one day i hope to complete a book. school and such are a lot right now so it’s hard to find time to contemplate a plot that’s not my own life story lol. i’m so glad i can entertain you and all the others who have happened to like my stories though.