this message may be offensive
Here's the thing, no one reads this but I'll post anyways because I need to breathe. I cried today looking in the mirror. I was wearing my black veil brides shirt today tons of people looking at me like a fees I smiled. I know what I am. But guess what I can say I don't give a flying fuck at the moment. But at the time of weakness, at my time alone... I looked at myself in the mirror, saw nothing. Your reflection is suppose to show your soul. We'll mine must be empty, hollow because that's what my eyes said. I cried and asked myself why? Why am I a target? Why do I care? Hy am I still here? Why can't I actually mean that I don't give a fuck? Why can't I be happy 100% of the time? I dried of my tears and put my mask on once again. I'm strong, I won't break down. That's one thing I have learned form my bands. I won't give up.