For anyone who's actually reading this (which is probably like no one lol) I know it says I published chapter 5 but I had to unpublish it because it got messed up :( I had started writing it on my phone but it was taking too long so I saved it as a draft. I finished writing it on my laptop and published it... then used the app on my phone to add the cover picture or whatever it's called at the top. But for some reason it's like the app wasn't synced yet or something with what I had just published, and I didn't even check because I just assumed it would be. So when I uploaded the picture and published it from my phone again, it only published what I had saved on my phone to start with so over half the story got deleted and now I have to re-type it all again. Idk if that even makes sense but sorry :( I'll get it back up ASAP.