
Stop whatever you're doing: a new chapter just released!!


One question, after the series end are you going to do the comic one and I like to see y/n reaction from all of tylee sisters?


oh so like after that are you going to do the comic ver?


Part 1 of the Book 2 finale is out!


@ManofBeans It's certainly been a wild ride, but there's still so much to learn and do...


Seems like just yesterday we got banished from the tribe, now we learned how to boil water with our mind and summon lightning strikes. Oh how time flies when you’re having fun.


          Hey everyone, I hope all is well. Sorry if the title scared you, I should preface now that this story is NOT going to end. In fact, it’s barely even going to slow down. I’ve been enjoying it far too much to stop writing it. But there is some important news that I need to inform you guys of.
          I’ve kept information about myself private so far, but I’m a college/university student. As a result, I will be studying abroad for the whole of May and, therefore, without access to my computer, I will be unable to write for this time. It’s possible that I’m able to write a chapter or two on my phone, though it’s unlikely I get more than that done. HOWEVER, I have a little secret weapon. If you’re a close follower of my author notes at the bottom of each chapter, you’ll know that I like to write multiple chapters ahead of what’s published. I’m currently about to start Chapter 37, so I have 5 unreleased chapters. In the final week and a half of this month before I leave, I’ll also make sure to put it some extra effort in writing more often.
          Anyway, all of this just to say, since I don’t have my computer I won’t be able to upload new chapters whenever I want, so I’ll be scheduling the next few chapters to release on certain days. There might also be a slightly longer amount of time between chapters; probably about a week and a half. I’ll likely release an uploading schedule before I leave, but I’ll also make sure to say when the next chapter is coming out at the end of each author note.
          Wow that was a lot of yapping from me, I just wanted to make sure that you guys were aware of what’s happening. I’ll still be logging in here on my phone when I’m away so I can respond to comments and interact with this community, as its one of my favourite things to do. Anyways, that’s about all from me. Thanks for reading, understand and supporting! Have a good one!
          TLDR: I’m away all of next month so chapter releases may be slower.


Thanks for understanding guys! You lot are the best


@jetdragon09 Oh ok no big deal you just need to finish university thats all cool.


We understand completely, I wish you luck with your endeavor of higher education. Have fun!