Hello there, just wondering would you mind reading my book? Please don't feel obliged in anyway! Also apologies if you don't like these messages on your wall, I know some people don't. If you don't mind reading it, then here's the link - http://www.wattpad.com/story/9676035-it%27s-unlikely
@jethrocane I knoww! Haha, when the advert came on T.V. me and my sister gave each other knowing smiles and loL :')
I LOOOOVE power of love, it's one of my favourites and so is PDSYLM! I agree, it's incredibly relaxing.
anyway, if you want to listen to it, here's the video for salvation
I haven't heard of salvation, but i absolutely ADORED the power of love - and the christmas advert that went with it;) also i love please don't say you love me - it's so relaxing!:)