
Hi All. I am back! My goal is to finish what I started years ago. 


I apologise for my ignorance to my story!
          I moved interstate early this year and have been busy ever since. Plus, I had a writer block! Yep. I had all the scenarios in my head but I just couldn't write it!
          I guess life catches on. I will finish the story, sometimes later.
          I have another story that just keep popping in my head and I just couldn't let it go. I might start another story first. Food for thoughts.
          Have a nice weekend! Cheers!


Hello world!
          Saya mau minta maaf karena sudah lebih dari 2 bulan tidak mengupdate cerita tentang Ryan dan Dominic. Don't worry I have the draft, but every time I was about to publish it, it went ballistic! I scrapped 2 chapters!
          Life happens, I was on night shift for 2 weeks and I'm on job training now! It will finish in a week, hopefully I can start writing again after that. 
          I have been thinking to give rewards (apple gift card/amazon gift card) for the best reviewers of my story (when it ends). Maybe around 20USD / person for 3 people. I am not sure whether it's allowed, let's see how it goes.


          Sebelumnya terima kasih karena mau menyempatkan membaca tulisan saya yang masih amatir ini. Saya suka membaca buku dan menulis adalah hobi terpendam. Saya tidak pernah menyangka akan ada beberapa orang yang menyukai tulisan saya. Maaf apabila updatenya terkesan lama. Terus terang saya bisa mengedit 4 sampai 5 kali sebelum akhirnya saya published, karena itulah saya cenderung lama dalam menulis.
          Anyway, thank you for all your supports. 
          Best regards,