Jeuhaeng's finally back. The past week seemed to be rough for me since I'd been questioning my self worth a lot. There was a moment when I kind of felt depressed with what has been happening around me and am I really worthy enough to comfortably lay on my bed when the other's are crying and screaming for help? I'm not the kindest person on earth. But I won't complain. I'm just thankful that I'm safe, as well as the people around me. I tried to seek for something or someone that would make me happy and active. And as I seek, I found out that I've been with that 'someone' for months. I just realized that, they had somehow removed my insecurities. I'm just lucky to know them even if I am afar, and they are out of my reach.
It's not easy to get yourself together. I haven't mastered that 'art' yet but I want you all to know that I'm improving. Last Friday, I just got one of the best announcements ever in my life which is the proof that hard work really does pay off.
Not here for drama but, this is how it turned out. Finally updated Nico and Suzy's story after weeks of being MIA. And sorry for that.
I just want you all to know what happened to me in the past weeks. I cannot put it into actual words but the point's there.
Always be safe and seek for something or someone that would make you feel human. Praying for everyone's safety right now.
Jeu ♡