
~Utapri Rp~
          	.... idk who to be XD


@jhatha00 I'm myself of course,otoya,tokiya,cecil,mikaze and Camus freak heavens and btw I never get notified on conversations so could we do this in messages


Hello my wonderful followers~! Okay so for all of you that are reading Lost Love, I would love to know what you think about it so far and I am wanting to know if you would like the following for after I finish it: 
          I am think about writing Lost Love again, but in 2 other separate books. One in Oramis's POV and the other in Tristen's POV. Let me know what you think plz ^^


Hello! ^^ If anyone would, I would love some help on getting in the writing mood. I love writing but sometimes I just feel like..... bleh.... and so I need assistance with this. Does anyone have any ideas? I would love to hear your intake. Thx