
cb  mdzsrpc  !!  specify  mood  :)  moots  can  request  spam,  lit, au’s or discord stuff!!


you  told  me  to  make  friends  and  that's  what  i  did,   now  you're  upset  i'm  ten  minutes  past  curfew  because  i  was  hanging  out  with  them?


            not  when  you  turn  it  off,  do  you  think  i’m  stupid  ?  if  i  could  see  where  you  were,  i  wouldn’t  be  wasting  my  breath.


you  have  my  location.   i  don't  know  why  this  is  such  a  big  deal.   it  was  /ten  minutes/. 


            you  didn’t  send  a  message  like  i  told  you  to,  what  if  you  were  in  danger  and  i  didn’t  know,  huh  ?  what  then  ?  are  your  new  friends  going  to  protect  you  ?  


...   i  thought  wuxian  was  working  today.   ill  just—   ill  come  back  tomorrow. 
          *   they get to be in the au too ...  exes 


this message may be offensive
            [   when  he’s  able  to  switch  out  with  another  one  of  the  workers,  jiang  cheng  leaves  to  where  nie  huaisang  has  parked  his  car,  not  nervous  but..  uncomfortable,  maybe  ?   ]  listen,  back  then  when  we  ..y’know,  /that/  happened,  i  wasn’t  in  a  great  place.  said  shit  i’m  not  proud  of.


it's..    work  stuff.    i  teach  art  classes.    mm.    i'll  be..   waiting  for  you  then.


            studio  ?  what  studio  ?  you’re  willing  enough  to  hear  me  out,  five  minutes  is  fine.


you  can't  just  expect  me  to  give  up  my  entire  life  for  you!    you  want  me  to  stay  in  this  house  watching  a-ling  while  you  get  to  live  your  life! 


            no  !  i  didn’t  mean  what  i  said,  i  didn’t.. —   a-sang-
            [  and  that’s  when  he  hears  the  cry  of  an  infant  in  the  other  room,  making  his  body  go  rigid.  jin  ling.  he’s  crying  because  of  their  yelling  back  and  forth,  surely.  jiang  cheng  grips  the  counter,  unwilling  to  take  his  eyes  off  of  huaisang  in  case  he  leaves  them  both  behind.  ]  ..  i  don’t  want  a  stranger  looking  after  him,  i  want  you-  


you  wouldn't  have  said  it  if  you  didn't  believe  it.   i'm  a  leech,  right?  that's  what  you  think  of  me?   i've  given  you..  /everything/,    and  that's  all  i  am  to  you!   you  truly  believe..   i've  been  leeching  off  of  you?    then  don't  forgive  me.    i'm  leaving.   i'm  sure  you'll  figure  something  out.    find  someone  else  to  watch  a-ling.  


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            no—    fuck-   that  wasn’t-  .. you  think  i  don’t  care  ?  i  wouldn’t  have  lasted  this  long  if  i  didn’t  fucking  care  !  a-sang—  /a-sang/  !  i  swear  if  you  leave,  i’ll  never  forgive  you  or  myself-   what  about  a-ling  ?  what  about  me  ?  i  can  still  fix  this  ..-


lan  zhan  and  i  are  going  to  have  a  proper  ceremony.    i'd..   like  you  to  be  there. 


i've  already  talked  to  wen  ning.   he  is  aware  of  what  this  means  to  me,   and  in  turn..   what  having  you  there  would  mean.   just  think  about  it  would  you?


            ..  why  would  you  want  me  to  show  up,  huh  ?  isn’t  your  bodyguard  restricting  my  access  already  ?


..   i  was  under  the  impression  you'd  never  want  to  see  me  again.    it's  a  nice  surprise.   
          *    ok..   post  canon


this message may be offensive
            i  needed  some  answers  to  the  questions  i  had,  but  that  isn’t  the  reason  i  came  here.  after  everything,  i  didn’t  come  earlier  because  i  don’t  know..  where  we  stand  now.  things  didn’t  exactly  make  it  easy  enough  to  think  clearly,  i  just  needed  some  time  to  get  my  fucking  head  screwed  back  on.  can’t  i  have  that  ?  
            [  the  bite  in  his  tone  fades  early  on,  leaving  him  fumbling  through  a  voice  of  uncertainty.  nie  huaisang  has  constantly  repeated  that  he’s  content  living  in  misery  himself,  without  a  mention  of  a  life..  potentially  shared.  did  he  truly  think  jiang  wanyin  hated  him  ?  ]  i  never  sent  a  word,  i  know.  i  didn’t  /have/  words,  not  until  now.  ..   maybe  consider  rethinking  how  you  want  to  spend  the  rest  of  your  life  alone.


the  bustling  of  yunmeng  and  your  own  workload  hasn't  stopped  you  from  visiting  me  before.    (   he  stops  again,    placing  his  brush  down  and  folding  his  hands  in  his  lap.   finally  he  manages  to  find  the  latter's  eyes,   and  he  tries  for  a  ghost  of  a  smile.   )    we  met  halfway  between  qinghe  and  yunmeng.   we'd  get  a  few  precious  hours  together  before  you'd  leave.   after  jinlintai..    you  never  visited.   you  coming  here  and  demanding  i  answer  your  questions  isn't  /love/  jiang  wanyin.   it's  an  interrogation. 


            [  just  hearing  how  calculated  it  was,  despite  not  knowing  who  would  end  the  man..  he  really  did  mean  to  avenge  his  brother.  and  he  did.  it  reminds  him  of  when  lotus  cove  fell  into  disarray  after  the  wen’s  attack,  when  he  desperately  tried  to  return  to  his  parents  despite  all  of  his  brother’s  effort’s  to  keep  him  away.  losing  his  core.  the  length’s  he  would  go  to..  and  then,  of  course,  the  replacement.  ]  why  would  i  need  to  /pretend/  ?  it’s  like  you  said,  yunmeng  is  busy,  and  so  was  i.  still  am,  but  i  came  here  instead.  isn’t  that  proof  enough  i  care  ?  i  wouldn’t  have  came  if  i  hated  you.