life is so fun rn honestly i'm at such a calm point in my life

@enhyteen is my new edit account on instagram. i stan enhypen now lol

i don't know if anyone remembers this account anymore lol. i have an edit account on instagram @/jihoonpeace. never mention my wattpad to anyone though, lol. additionally, i'm 13 now. i started this account when i was around 9-10, haha. i'll take my leave now, follow the edit account.

also thinking of breaking up with my girlfriend ^^ don't know how to though i'll probably just ask if she wants to be just friends

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hi, i'm doing okay rn and i hope you guys are too. so much school and i currently have an A- in english which i'm scared about, considering my mom only accepts A's or higher. on the bright side of my life, i got to see my girlfriend a week ago and we had a fun time, we cuddled :) i'm seeing her again in a month so she can dye my hair. i have virgin hair therefore this is the first time i'm dying it. i'm going platinum blonde to match w joshie even though i'm pretty late on it, it took me very long to decide if i wanted the hair color or not. anyways moving on, i have picture day today and i look like absolute shit um, wish me luck. i just wanted to let people know how i'm doing, again i'm probably not going back to writing, ever. i have a story in the drafts but i'm not going to continue it. have a nice week everyone.

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don't know the purpose of saying this but my arachnophobia has gotten alot worse these days. i've had it since age 4 and i don't know how but it's just gotten so much worse. everytime i see the word sp*der i start to have scarily vivid hallucinations including seeing things and feeling things on my body and it's so fucking weird dude. i've asked all my friends to censor the word because sometimes my body even gets itchy and i can feel my neck getting bumpy and shit. i can't look at any pictures of sp*ders, not even the damn emoji, but when i say the word in person it doesn't affect me as much. sorry, just weekly's TMI lmao

weekly check-in! how is everyone?

yall i'm in a good mood rn so if anyone reads this drop how ur feeling okay i wanna check up on you ppl,,i've decided to stop writing and only use wattpad as a way to communicate with my followers!

@jihoonpeace Why, thank you! I'm feeling absolutely fine right now! My cat gave birth to 4 little kitties, so I'm very happy.

TW//su*cide, gun a couple days ago i almost snuck out at night to find a gun. i wouldn't know where to find one and tried to look up some places near me, none. i wanted to steal one and go off somewhere alone. i wanted to die so bad, but i wanted it to be quick. i thought if i shot myself, i'd die immediately and it would be painless. i've been thinking about this for years. decided to not do it. i wanted to live for seventeen and stray kids. i wanted to live for them because they're my only will to live and i love them too much to leave. so i didn't do it

@jihoonpeace omg i hope thats such a constant feeling for you!! i'm doing so well rn :D

@8ST4RZ thank you!! i'm in a really good mood right now so i hope you're doing well too hehe

@jihoonpeace im glad ur feeling okay! and its alright,, even if u come on every month just to be like "hey", i just hope ur okay <3

this is my only safe place because i know none of my irls except for someone know about this account. i don't and won't go on here though because it's too busy. if any of my family members or teachers or people from my past find out about this, don't be surprised if i delete this account. lol ang sakit the pain