Assalamualaikum ,hey everyone. i hope y'all doing perfectly fine,well this is jiddah1088 and i'm sorry for the sudden lost of my novels and account....i had a little encounter with someone and unfortunately my account got deleted by wattpad ,i got a call yesterday from some beautiful souls and it occurred to me a lot of you have also been looking for my novel and i honestly should have said some thing earlier but i was occupied the whole time....my pardon . so for those of you who haven't read the complete book of ''AMAANI' and ''THE TABOO NIGHT'' ill in sha Allah try and upload the complete novels before the end of this month! To my fans and followers,thank you all for the love and support ,i really appreciate all and i hope y'all will continue to be the back bone of my support till the end of time. i'm also happy to announce to you all that ill be starting two new novels as the TABOO NIGHT has come to an end. so stay tuned as this is my new Account. YOURS JIDDAH1088 AND PRESENT JIIDDAAHH!

Hello guys so this is to inform y’all interested in reading AMAANI to please do so before September, because I’ll be deleting it in a weeks time,if you don’t read it before then,then I’m sorry you did just have to read it on other apps,I’ll be sending in the links when I delete the book! Thank you.