apologies for the message I posted earlier today, I was extremely angry at army's (I know it's a generalisation, I was just mad) and I was mad at anyone who said all those horrible things about baek and believed everything and didn't trust baekhyun. tbh I was mad at a lot of things, I'm mad that he had to apologise for something that wasn't his fault and I could go on for ages about what I was mad at but honestly all that's gonna do is make me more mad. from now on I've decided to distance myself from all topics related to bts and army's, not because I hate them or anything but bc all it does is bring me stress, anxiety and so many more bad things that I can't afford to feel rn. idk I just felt like I needed to post this sort of explanation and if I offended anyone who read it I'm sorry.
remember to stay happy and spread love, (something I failed to do today), once again I'm sorry
- jae