
Maybe Tomorrow 


I can't make chapters around the conferences because at the age I am now I find things very hard to do than being a kid or a teenager.
          Until things change I'm going to wait until it's over and then post my best games from E3 like I always do.


Hello everyone it's a me jimbob16gros here to update you on why I haven't been on wattpad a lot for a long time, first off I have been trying to update my doctor who page but whenever I try I either don't feel like it or more news pops up which means I have to focus on that. I don't like to upload things late I want to upload it whilst it's still new and recent.
          Also I've been focusing on my Spider-Man comic over on my twitter which I hope to upload over here, and David Ogden Stiers passed away recently who I will talk about so yeah that's all, don't feel like it and uploading late those are why I haven't been on wattpad a lot.