
Thanks for The follow! It means alot yo! I read your bio, and if you read mine, that's pretty cool too lmao. I hope you enjoy my works! Black Smoke is a must rn, and your read, vote comment, or critique would he helpful!
          Thank you so much again


Whoah, yeah, ours is different. Pre-K,  kindergarten, Elementary [Year 1 to 5], Junior High [year 6 to 8], High school [Year 9 to 12] and then college


First its nursery then reception then ks1 which is year 1 nd 2, ks2 which is year 3 to 6 highschool( ks3 is year 7 nd 8)(ks4 is 9 to 11) then college for 2 years nd then u can choose to go uny or not