Hi.. first I want to say that I miss you so much. I miss your smile, I miss your laugh, I miss your jokes, I miss your scolding, I miss everything about you. It’s going to be a long two years without you, but I’ll count down the days. I hope your doing well. Get enough sleep at night and make sure to eat well. The other thing I want to say is...Happy Mother’s Day....since I still consider you one of my caretakers (my favorite). You’ve shown me so much love and affection and I hope you can feel mine too! You mean the worlldddd to me. I love you so much!! Talk to you later, Mommy ☺️

@JeonJimin__13 Ahh this made me feel 110% better babes! You take care and eat well mk? You better not be getting into any trouble either! I can still scold ya know >:0 but naw really. I MITH YOUUUU