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(2) No because instead I’m thrown into the mess my siblings created!! I do laundry (wash, dry, fold, etc.) and then when my siblings don’t put their clothes away and it makes a mess on their bed..I get yelled at too!  First off, they did nothing but go off and play or hang with their friends, never stay home to help out, and has never even tried listening ONCE!! I woke up today at about 12:00, my dad is sick and the rest of my family is hanging out with relatives and having fun. I didn’t have to work, so I did a little chores around home. Laundry, dishes, cleaning up the rooms, and even a little yard work!! I made sure my dad got his food and something to drink, my family doesn’t show up until around 6 pm. They went swimming, out to eat at some local food trucks, and went to the hotel my relatives were staying at to hang. Come back all angry with each other because my sister (middle out of 5) does something rlly stupid and suddenly they’re telling me that “You guys go around all day doing nothing. F*cling lazy and now you guys act stupid and can’t listen”. I’m sorry I woke up late and decided to do some chores while YOU ALL went out. I still did some work around this house and I wasn’t involved in any thing you guys did because I was home! Doing shit!! While you all just came back and decided to finally stop wherever “fun” was happening. I didn’t in fact, “do nothing”, but I sure know you did!! You pushed me into this world, I didn’t ask to be freaking born to then take care of 4 other children that YOU wanted. 


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(2) No because instead I’m thrown into the mess my siblings created!! I do laundry (wash, dry, fold, etc.) and then when my siblings don’t put their clothes away and it makes a mess on their bed..I get yelled at too!  First off, they did nothing but go off and play or hang with their friends, never stay home to help out, and has never even tried listening ONCE!! I woke up today at about 12:00, my dad is sick and the rest of my family is hanging out with relatives and having fun. I didn’t have to work, so I did a little chores around home. Laundry, dishes, cleaning up the rooms, and even a little yard work!! I made sure my dad got his food and something to drink, my family doesn’t show up until around 6 pm. They went swimming, out to eat at some local food trucks, and went to the hotel my relatives were staying at to hang. Come back all angry with each other because my sister (middle out of 5) does something rlly stupid and suddenly they’re telling me that “You guys go around all day doing nothing. F*cling lazy and now you guys act stupid and can’t listen”. I’m sorry I woke up late and decided to do some chores while YOU ALL went out. I still did some work around this house and I wasn’t involved in any thing you guys did because I was home! Doing shit!! While you all just came back and decided to finally stop wherever “fun” was happening. I didn’t in fact, “do nothing”, but I sure know you did!! You pushed me into this world, I didn’t ask to be freaking born to then take care of 4 other children that YOU wanted. 


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Fuck this world!! I just wanna slap every single person in my eyesight right now. How unfair can this all get? I mean, I know I’m young, dumb, definitely broke, but I still do the chores, got a job, be the “Mom” when my parents are working; I am a huge part of this family. Just not appreciated, not enough, not “bragging” about it enough to gain someone’s attention so they can finally see it. I do a tiny little mistake or bit of effort for myself? I get a freaking LOAD of consequences thrown onto me and my plate. “You sleep all day” “You guys are lazy” “I hope you know you guys gotta do a lot tomorrow” “Stop slacking off” “You guys always run away from the job” “You only play sports to get away from the work at home” I’ve been told this about a million times!! If I could have a single penny every time my parents, siblings, or any relatives that have said that to me after seeing or hearing about 5 minutes of my day…I’d be a billionaire!! I’d have a house, a car paid off, and a trip to college already!! 


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Every felt so alone in one moment and broke down calling everyone…yet no answer. No help. Nothing. That was my day today. Shitty, and a fucking pity that I dropped everything I’ve been carrying on my back for the past months to a small situation where I lost control. God I fucking hate this. I’m not weak yet I could break down after trying? Pathetic. This isn’t a call for help. This is the aftermath and results of my mind after this shitty day. Thank you all for listening.


Adding more songs (happy or sad:)) to my playlist. Any suggestions?


 Oooo thx. I’ll definitely add these.


@bt51magine like i need u - keshi
            KISS ME - dpr live
            im bad too - hwasa
            the first 2 r kinda sad and a vibe, the last one is more of a happy vibe c:


I want to try and improve my life. I wanna start on my own music dream. So do y’all think I should apply for music schools? Like any in performing arts too? If y’all know any skoolz, drop em below please


I’ll take a look into that. Thanks!! AND AYOOO  GOODLUCK in your journey too!!