I've seen that you change your profile pics a lot nowadays..are you back already? I'm really glad I hope your doing fine now..I know this is probably ain't a good greet..but if you are ready I have twitter now lol..let's be friends my username is still the same "dlwlrm00d_8" but yeah..I know twitter is pretty toxic (and knowing the reason why you had a break) but you can always chat me every time in any platform you want..I'm here for you bub. ♡´・ᴗ・`♡

@dlwlrm00d_8 Thank u ಥ‿ಥ.Actually,I just passed by to update my social medias,but still thank u for sending me a message like this,and I deleted my twitter few days ago.I mean,I don't have time to open it since my schedule is for pinterest only,so nice of having u<3

@dlwlrm00d_8 i don't actually know if you have twitter lol..but when you mentioned that you have a lot of apps in your phone but some of them you don't use it often..i just thought about it.