
Hey guys! Sorry I haven’t updated Security in a while! I’ve been busy and then I got sick. And a lot had happened lately so I hope you understand! I will update sometime next week! 


Chapter 8 is up! Sorry for such a delay posting! I’ve been busy and had some major life changes. I hope you enjoy this chapter (a whole lotta fluff) and I will be back with regular updates! Thank you guys also for almost 100 reads! I know it doesn’t seem like much, but it means the world to me! 


          Take your time, there's no need to rush. You don't need to pressure yourself and force yourself to learn and improve everything overnight. It'll take time, and that's okay. Small progress is still a progress. Your dreams and plans for the future, to the place you wanna get to and the success you want to achieve — you will get there. You will make it, you'll arrive in your destination with the right timing. But you really have to trust yourself more in the process this time. You need to always be there for yourself because there will be moments where things will feel blurry and it may feel like you're at the edge of giving up, times when you'll break down, it's inevitable— and at the end of the day, above all, it'll be you who will push yourself to keep moving forward. That's why it's so important that you have faith in yourself, that you believe in yourself. Because you will be your greatest motivation, you will give yourself the biggest support that will make you want to keep going. Even if it's a fast-paced world, walk your own pace and never compare yourself to others. Don't ever think that you are left behind just because your path isn't the same as theirs— you are meant to be different from them, there's always a right time for everything. This is your life, live it as your own. — aki / sugapieee


Thank you so much 


This month is su!cide prevention month. It’s so important that we try to raise awareness about this topic. We loose around 800,000 people to this every year. It’s not something to take lightly. It’s okay to reach out for help and it’s okay not to be okay