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Omfg i lit forgot abt this app and the last i was online was two years help. Ive been rediscovering all the fanfictions i‘ve read so far and got very emotional. 2019 was really one of my best teen years now that im a young adult. In the past couple years so many things have changed and i completely forgot how happy i was back then. Even though i was being very edgy but everyone went through this phase i guess. Im pushing 20 now and I came back just to feel the joy of binge reading all the FF‘s of my favourite authors, waiting for school to end just to rush home and continue reading and I am so happy for the writers to be part of my best memories. Sometimes i just fall into deep thoughts thinking of how distant i‘ve become to my most favourite things i was obsessed with and i wanna experience all that shit again. To be that one 14 year old girl again. I really want to be more active on this app again and i‘ll try my best. Love xx