I’m sorry. I haven’t been active much at all this past bit. I never intended it to be this way honestly. I always told myself I would say something, that I would explain, but I never did. Life has gotten hectic, as it often does. And I had a lot of personal things going on in many angles of my life. I know there are kind people on here. But instead I’ve often chosen to deal with things alone, not wanting to be a burden. I haven’t felt like doing much, because I’ve been struggling with a few different issues. And it’s wearing on me mentally. Idk what made me come on today. Today I lost my fur child, my best friend. My cat. She had been sick awhile and I was constantly taking her to the vet to try and find out what was wrong, hoping she would get better. I finally took her in for the last time this morning. She had cancer, though their previous test didn’t show it, and they couldn’t save her. So today there’s one less furry black cat in my house. Who I actually shared a name with. My cat was named Jinx, which is a nickname I shared with her. You can rest now my girl, though I’ll miss you.
I’m sorry if no one wants to be notified of my shít so I apologize in advance. You can always just ignore it.