
if i write real people in torture situations, would that make me a terrible person?


@jinxedtodeath I just came to say that I really don’t like that disgusting story of yours on technoblade and how he murdered jesse and everyone else and I really hate how there was a bad ending at teh end I mean seriously man that story was horrible I hope you come to your senses and make a sequel where techno Phil tommy and will die and Jesse and friends finallly get home


now that i have the word of two people on wattpad, i'm confident i'll be able to write my dsmp SAW au without being called a degenerate


@jinxedtodeath No that wouldn't make you a terrible person just say first that it's just a story  and not true


if i write real people in torture situations, would that make me a terrible person?


@jinxedtodeath I just came to say that I really don’t like that disgusting story of yours on technoblade and how he murdered jesse and everyone else and I really hate how there was a bad ending at teh end I mean seriously man that story was horrible I hope you come to your senses and make a sequel where techno Phil tommy and will die and Jesse and friends finallly get home


now that i have the word of two people on wattpad, i'm confident i'll be able to write my dsmp SAW au without being called a degenerate


@jinxedtodeath No that wouldn't make you a terrible person just say first that it's just a story  and not true


holiday update
          i'm not dead, i've just got myself an essay due in 3 days, a group of essays due in half a month, and an urge to binge anime fanfiction without stopping or doing anything else. 
          hopefully i'll get back to posting after the holidays? (i'm just tired from staying up all night to read a 1.5m word fanfiction IT WAS GOOD ALRIGHT)


are you asking me for the link of a fanfiction from a fandom you've likely never interacted with before??


roses are red
          fight scenes are hard
          i've got a rabid plot bunny
          so forgive me and take this to regard:
          Tommy walked down the path in the woods, grumpily hauling along a trash bag filled with food waste. 
          The sun had already set hours ago, but his mum still somehow saw fit to make him forage into the trees and dump the waste. There was a site about a minute away he had to go to, and it was a pain in the arse every single time. 
          With the recent rain came light fog, which just made the forest a lot creepier at night. He shuddered due to the humid and chilly air, and some creature twittered in the distance. 
          Finding the spot, Tommy proceeded to dump the entire bag in the dirt, and exhaled, eager to head back to his house. Scrunching up the bag in his hand, he started trudging home. The fog had, for some reason, gotten a lot thicker, and Tommy was very eager to just go back to his computer.  
          After a minute, Tommy was starting to get really nervous. The fog was so thick he couldn’t see a single meter in front of him, and the wind was cold. He wrapped his arms around himself, already feeling goosebumps on his skin. There’s no way I’m lost. He told himself, silently panicking. There’s just no way. There’s only one path and I’m in my own backyard! 
          The fog abruptly cleared and Tommy almost tripped over his own feet due to a sudden nauseous feeling. He straightened, throat closing up, tears watering his eyes, and stomach doing barrel rolls. When he took in his surroundings, he was almost certain his brain was just short circuiting, and not properly processing stuff. 
          This was not his house. 
          tell me what you thought? this might get continued while i try to get more motivation for my genocide fight scene


@jinxedtodeath It's better than mine that's for sure.


You have been chosen to be showered in affection. Please post this on the boards of everyone you believe deserves all the affection.
          If you receive-
          1-2: Your incredibly kind!
          3-4: Your popular amongst your fans and friends!
          5-6: Your a loveable person.
          9+: I’m jealous
          Break the chain to break a heart. ❤️


how to write a fight scene?????


wow you guys thank you so much??


@jinxedtodeath pacing is very important, you don’t want to go so fast you get no details and the fight feels like it was short and underwhelming but you also don’t want to go to slow, it drags it out for too long and is probably too detailed for a fight scene in a chapter. Its best to kind of “zoom in” on certain characters for a paragraph or two then show the general fight again, then maybe “zoom in” on another character. Everything needs to be coordinated or it’ll feel awkward.


@jinxedtodeath Also using key words that really show the weapon more/describes the movement better improves the scene a lot
            Like (for example) If you are having someone fight with a trident, using impaled would probably be a better word than stabbed


remember that huuuge test i mentioned a few weeks ago? WELL it's over and i probably did okay! (please)
          anyhow, progress on genocide will resume now, so i dunno, look forward to a new chapter in a few days? :D


@jinxedtodeath coolios!
            Excited for new chapters but make sure not to rush yourself, we want updates but if updating is getting in the way with your daily life or if its stressing you out, feel free to take a break as long as you want


There right take some time to relax


@jinxedtodeath awesome :D, don't feel to pressured though, tests usually take a lot out of people, so if u need, take a break