this message may be offensive
Hello frens :^)
People are starting to notice this so I'm leaving a message up for you guys about what's up with "daddy" before more people start freaking out.
Okay so idk for sure, but I think I got hacked because the book got deleted. ): so, I know it's most likely still in your library, but I have no access to it at all, so it will not be updated. It's gone.
I'm sorry if you're sad about the book, and I hope you enjoyed it. I don't want to write another one or continue it at the moment- or ever. Yes, I am disappointed the book is gone, because the success it had was unbelievable, and I met amazing people because of it, but no. I do not like the book. The writing was terrible, and the plot started dying and it became all filler like naruto tbh.
So, I'm sorry, but the book is gone. There's a 99.9% chance I will not continue it, but if you would like to write an unofficial sequel or continuation, please PM me for permission and give me some credit if you do. It would be cool to see how you think the story would've ended.
And also don't ask: "so how did it end?!" Because in all honesty: I have no fucking clue. I didn't like the book and had writers block 24/7, so you finish it as you see fit.
There's more info about the book and stuff in my rant book and it's titled "):" so if you wanna know what was up when it happened check it out.
I'm so so sorry about the book, please don't be mad at me, or hate me. It wasn't my fault I swear.
Have a nice day/night friends