
Hello there!! *waves like a mad woman with a huge grin on her face* =D 
          Alright, not trying to bug you or anything, but if you happen to like Teen Fiction novels, could you please please please check out my book, 'The Knight in Broken Armor'?? 
          It'd mean a whole lot! Seriously! :D 
          And well, I'm not super famous but I'm not an awful author either, I promise! Also, the title might make it sound cliche, but it has more to do with my m/c's name than the 'prince charming' crap! =P (just saying if you despise 'cliche') 
          Anyway, I hope you give my book a chance! I really do aha. Thank you for taking your time to read this note! Hope you have a lovely day! :D 
          Much love,
          H.K xx