Okay guys, I'm going to post another book soon but I want to have 20k reads and 1k votes for "Give me 1 Month". As soon as I get that I'll post another book. So please, vote and share my book. It will really help and support me. Thanks guys ❤
I think it'd be nice to have a prologue of give me one month, but i don't think you need to write a new one. I also think it'd be nice if you write a new book, too. Good luck with deciding.
@_StarsInTheDaylight_ sure! Just as soon as i finish the book im reading right now i will. Would you mind checking out mine? You dont have to of course.
Holy crap 10k reads on Give Me 1 Month!!!! Thats amazing guys thank you all so much! This means a lot to me. Thanks for reading it and i hope you enjoy it.