ALRIGHT GUYS; im SO sorry AGAIN for being so MIA, i suck, but im so happy everyone has stuck with me the entire time! I've been SO busy with work and family things going on in my life that's its been really hard for me to keep in touch with my writer self. So with that being said, i've decided what i want the next chapter to be like so keep a lookout because it will be up VERY soon. again let me know who you ship in the comments of my next chapter because things will happen that turn the tables a little bit in the next 3 chapters that I have in mind. Alright guys thank you so much for sticking with me and stay tuned bc i have some great ideas for the chapters to come. feel free to message me if you want to be any kind of character in my story as well, give yourself a story line and if you'll be a villain or a goody, and i'll pick TWO that i want to encorporate in my story somehow. Also message me with any ideas of twists or if you'd like to see more DESSICA moments!