
HELLLLLLLOOOOO, I am back, after a two year hiatus, I’ve had some crazy life things happen annnnd yeah, new chapter tomorrow though 


so i've been thinking, i want to continue my story but it's so hard for me to find time to sit down and write a chapter that i'm happy with so i've come up with an idea i want you guys, as my followers and hopefully readers to each write the next chapter of my story, send them to me in my messages and i will choose the best one to feature in my story! i will NOT take credit for the writing of the chapter and you'll name will be mentioned, im hoping this will cure my writers block and give me something to go off of as well as making you guys happy! so send in the next chapter and stay tuned for the one i choose!


ALRIGHT GUYS; im SO sorry AGAIN for being so MIA, i suck, but im so happy everyone has stuck with me the entire time! I've been SO busy with work and family things going on in my life that's its been really hard for me to keep in touch with my writer self. So with that being said, i've decided what i want the next chapter to be like so keep a lookout because it will be up VERY soon. again let me know who you ship in the comments of my next chapter because things will happen that turn the tables a little bit in the next 3 chapters that I have in mind. Alright guys thank you so much for sticking with me and stay tuned bc i have some great ideas for the chapters to come. feel free to message me if you want to be any kind of character in my story as well, give yourself a story line and if you'll be a villain or a goody, and i'll pick TWO that i want to encorporate in my story somehow. Also message me with any ideas of twists or if you'd like to see more DESSICA moments!


I'm so sorry I've been so MIA lately. I'm having a bit of writers block. I know EXACTLY what I wanna do with this story, its just getting harder and harder for me to incorperate my ideas. If anyone has any suggestions I would love to hear them!


That's awesome cause I would miss your writing if you didn't@jjkite_  


thanks so much! im so sorry it took me months to see this i've been so busy with work and my new job but im going to read over my story and get back in the groove of things! @nikkibops17


@jjkite_   I really REALLY want you to continue this story but I have no idea how I can help you so if you wanted, you could tell me your thoughts for the story and I could try my best to help you? Love your writing btw :)


this message may be offensive
back to the writing grind in a few days. sorry i've been so MIA. i've been in South Carolina for awhile now and the service is absolute shit. BUT im heading back to ohio tomorrow morning (go cavs) so sunday i will most likely be updating my story!


sorry to say this whoever is reading but its been a loooong day, i soent the day at the lake, came home, took a nap, and then went out to eat and im just now getting home. im VERY sun burnt and not feeling very well so i'm just going to head to bed. i will be updating tomorrow and monday and since i missed today i will update TWICE either tomorrow or monday. I'm very sorry if you were waiting for an update today/tonight! I hope you understand!