
Did a cover makeover sweep- I probably won’t be done updating these but I love them for now 


Thank you for all the love recently on my IT and HP books, it means a lot :')
          I am so sorry if you are annoyed by this notification, I try not to post too much but yeah, it means a lot and really inspires and motivates me to keep going <3


So Ive seen some people adding my books to their reading lists and I just wanted to say thank you because it really means a lot to me and makes me more passionate to write for them as well as start to write my own things as well❤️ (non fanfic) 


I saw a post like this by someone I follow and I figured I should pass the message on in my own way.
          On social media in general and more specifically to my rant wattpad, it doesn’t matter how many likes/votes in comparison to reads you get. Hell, it doesn’t matter how many followers you have. As long as you are having fun and are enjoying what you are doing, that’s amazing.
          I’m honestly so blessed to have received the attention on my books that they have gotten, and I know people who have given up because they aren’t getting the same. It deeply saddens me because they’re most of the time so talented and they let that small thing affect their mental health. 
          Likes are fake, little numbers, guys. When you think about it and aren’t making money off this, (lets be real, most of us aren’t), so why do the likes matter?
          Social media really fricks up people’s self esteems and mental health sometimes, and that deeply saddens me. 
          Just know that as long as you’re enjoying the writing you are putting out and having fun in the process of writing it, the number of reads or votes don’t matter!
          And try not to worry too much about that, once you do, this app doesn’t become much fun anymore.
          Sorry about my rant, I just really wanted to say this and I hope that it made someone feel better or even borderline entertained while sitting on a bus or something.
          Jess x 


Okay wow this sounds lame but I actually can't appreciate you people on Wattpad enough-
          My HP book hit 9K reads and a bit over 200 votes awhile and I'm quite speechless. 
          I didn't think that would happen, like ever, and I just want to continue writing now in general, so thank you! :')