please write some more of your stories.....I'm a woman...........over 30.......black.........African.........SOUTH AFRICAN...........I grew up with the idealism that gay is bad and taboo. But I read your story and I cried and naaaawwwweeed all the way through. And they say pride and prejudice was good....?????? This is a love story that rivals time. I have no words for the amount of emotions you evoked in me with your writing. Zach and Brady are just so OMG no words. Please please PLEASE PLEASE......... give us some more of your brilliant works

@nomazulurmoyo I'm so completely honored that their story made you feel so many emotions. It's all I wanted when I decided to share the book, so it means more than I can express to know you loved the book so much. I hope to share more writing soon. Thank you for taking the time to message and for being so kind. <3