
You are something completely different, neither a friend nor a lover, but something deeper, bigger, more complex, special, rare.. Something clear and I cannot see it, something that resembles everything and nothing resembles it, something that touches my soul in a strange way, throughout my life no one has been able to touch my soul in this way, and I do not compare you to anyone, but I thought that I knew all kinds of people before I met you. Before you, I knew many people in this life, and I did not know myself until I met you. I saw myself in you, although we are completely different, always contradictory, sometimes similar, and I do not mean that you resemble me, but you are something that resembles my soul, you resemble the deepest part of the soul, that pure part that life has never polluted, but you are a soul that inhabits my soul.


“I remembered you, and absence is like an arrow that tears apart the ribs of the longing one. Perhaps I hope to meet you, but there is nothing but crying and much longing. Come and visit me in my sleep, for my heart only needs to see the sunrise.”


Your voice is still in my ears, and the longing in my chest is tearing my ribs apart. By God, the longing is beyond my ability to bear, O longing, be gentle with the heart. Don’t you realize, my flower, that when your name passes by, my pain increases from the excess of longing? I tried to hide my love for you, but whenever I hid it in my heart, my tears overflowed with separation. The nights were spent between us, but your spirit was never absent, always with me.


آيااااااااار الفولو تبعك انحذف من عندي :'( ليييييش


@ wooyoung_29  الواتباد ابن الكلب اكيد 


            معرف ليش يلغي هاي الفترة 


نــبــيذ وســجائــر:
          هــي تــسكــر بــي ولا تــرتــوي مــن رشــفة، وأنــا ادمــن مــوضــع شفتــاي عليهــا واتــوق لحبــس دخــانهــا داخلي رئــتاي وإن كانــت هــي كــل أنــفاســي وآخــرهــا ...


اتمنــى أن احضــى بِــحضنكِ الــدافــئ لــحدِ الفــناء
          وأن اتــغلــغل بــوســطــكِ اعــلى أيــسركِ يعــجبني كــل ما اشــعر بــهِ بُقربــكِ تــلامس الفــراشــات أيــسري وتــلاطف معــدتي عنــدما اكــلمكِ مــن بــعد فــما بــالــكِ مــن بــعد هــمم؟!


أنـتِ بحـرٍ وأنـا الغـريـق
          ولأول مره لا أريد النجاه
          أريد الغرق أكثر بعمق 
          في بحر حبكِ  ولا شيء
          سوى حبكِ ينجيني من 
          هيجان بحركِ فضميني
          إليك، مستحيلاً أن تأخذني
           العواصف والأمواج إلى الغياب ، 
          إنني دائما أحبكِ و أطمئن معكِ.