
this message may be offensive
Well, Padded Cell was deleted by wattpad. I just learned this minutes ago and I'm still processing my emotions. I looked up what can violate community guidelines and it looks like my story violated two of them. I don't know if it just got reported by a reader who didn't like it or if it got large enough that an employee of wattpad read it and manually deleted it. Last I checked the story had 53.8k views.... I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I was only 1/3rd of the way through the story. I fear if I republish the story it'll just be deleted again. (I have all the chapters backed up on google docs).  I don't know what to do. I guess all I can say is I'm sorry. I know so many of you loved this story and I'm sorry it was taken away from you. From all of us. I don't know what the future holds but I will finish this story somehow. It may not be on here, but it means far too much to me to simply abandon. My only hope is I don't have to abandon you guys on wattpad. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on what I should do next please let me know. I will continue to write the story in the meantime and hope I can find a new home for it that won't delete it without hesitation. 
          	P.S. Wattpad can go fuck itself.


@jmart52 that is really sad I loved that story. Your a great writer. 


Archive of our own I know for a fact will not delete it


@jmart52 I was really enjoying the story!! I hope you can repost it somewhere and continue it!


this message may be offensive
Well, Padded Cell was deleted by wattpad. I just learned this minutes ago and I'm still processing my emotions. I looked up what can violate community guidelines and it looks like my story violated two of them. I don't know if it just got reported by a reader who didn't like it or if it got large enough that an employee of wattpad read it and manually deleted it. Last I checked the story had 53.8k views.... I'm not really sure what to do at this point. I was only 1/3rd of the way through the story. I fear if I republish the story it'll just be deleted again. (I have all the chapters backed up on google docs).  I don't know what to do. I guess all I can say is I'm sorry. I know so many of you loved this story and I'm sorry it was taken away from you. From all of us. I don't know what the future holds but I will finish this story somehow. It may not be on here, but it means far too much to me to simply abandon. My only hope is I don't have to abandon you guys on wattpad. If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions on what I should do next please let me know. I will continue to write the story in the meantime and hope I can find a new home for it that won't delete it without hesitation. 
          P.S. Wattpad can go fuck itself.


@jmart52 that is really sad I loved that story. Your a great writer. 


Archive of our own I know for a fact will not delete it


@jmart52 I was really enjoying the story!! I hope you can repost it somewhere and continue it!


Update on Doki Doki Diaper Club and Padded Cell
          Doki Doki diaper club fans, I apologize. It has been ages since I last updated the story, and I mentioned how I had plans to write more, but Padded Cell has become more popular than I could have ever imagined so as of right now any sequel chapters to DDDC are canceled. I'm hate to announce this but I've realized for the past two months the ideas I had for more chapters simply weren't vital to the story. It already has a strong beginning, middle, and end. Why mess with perfection am I right? 
          As far as Padded Cell goes, I have high hopes for the future of the story and once it is finished (which will happen around chapter 60) I am considering writing a prequel or a sequel. I'd love to hear your thoughts on that. What would you like to see more? A prequel that shows how Dr. Yurikov started the facility? Or a sequel set after the story? (With brand new characters.)


I've released the third part of Doki Doki Diaper Club and I've changed the names of each part to better describe what they contain. I also changed the names of the parts because if I do continue this story it will be done in a sequel. So in other words, Growing Pains is the final part in Doki Doki Diaper Club, but we could potentially see Doki Doki Diaper Club 2 which would be a continuation of the story so far, but would focus on the girls exploring their sexuality and trying new things. Diapers would still be involved, of course. Let me know what you think of the story so far and if you'd like to see where the story goes from here please let me know! The more I hear from my readers the more I want to create content for you all so don't be shy!